Associazione Culturale Jointed Souls

L’Associazione Culturale Jointed Souls si costituisce nel Marzo del 2019 grazie alla volontà di un gruppo di persone che condividono da tempo l’Hobby del Collezionismo delle BJD.

Nel panorama del collezionismo erano già presenti da alcuni anni gruppi di appassionati ben strutturati, purtroppo nessuno di essi possedeva un identità giuridica riconosciuta. Per questo motivo si è deciso di creare un Associazione Culturale regolarmente registrata che potesse raccogliere e rappresentare le Collezioniste ed i Collezionisti “Legit” di questa categoria di Doll.

Le finalità indicate nel nostro Atto Costitutivo sono le seguenti:

-Fornire informazioni riguardanti l’hobby ed il collezionismo relativo alle bambole denominate BJD (Ball Jointed Doll)

-Promuovere e sostenere gli artisti che creano BJD e le loro opere legittime; contrastare la diffusione dei falsi

-Organizzare e prendere parte ad eventi relativi all’hobby ed al collezionismo di BJD

La nostra Associazione si è costituita da poco tempo ma già abbiamo in cantiere numerose iniziative: un sito internet con contenuti utili ai collezionisti del settore, organizzazione di meeting tra i Soci ed i Simpatizzanti, partecipazione ad eventi dichiaratamente PRO Artist.

Stiamo crescendo in fretta e abbiamo un sacco di idee in testa, ma abbiamo bisogno del contributo di tutti gli interessati per poter sviluppare le nostre iniziative e dar voce alle nostre idee!

Se vuoi avere maggiori informazioni sulle attività associative e sulle nostre iniziative, se hai dubbi o domande, scrivici pure al seguente indirizzo:


English version:

The cultural Association Jointed Souls, duly registered, was officially founded on March 2019 and represents a concrete breakthrough powered by the passion that a group of people has long been sharing for the hobby and the collectionism of BJD.
After many years of constant presence within the doll community and conventions, we felt the necessity to establish a recognised legal identity that badges our commitment and gives us the possibility to actively participate in this reality.

The Association is open to anyone – also outside of Italy – that respects the rules and follows the same main objectives beyond the one of representing the members that compose it.
The first goal is to spread and share information concerning and representing he hobby. Each member is therefore encouraged to contribute with it’s own experience.
The second but not less important goal, is to sustain the original works of art and the artists that create them. Jointed Souls is therefore completely on the “legit” side and fights ethically against the spreading of fakes. It is thus of great importance that those who opt to participate fully share this same choice. 
Lastly is the commitment to attend or at least contribute to a greater part of the events related to the hobby and that share the same Pro-Artist collecting ethics.

The Association is still groving and the projects to work on are a lot. Among them are the website that will serve as a point of reference, the dedicated spaces on the Social Medias, the meetings within members and sympathizer and the participation in clearly Pro-Artist events.

The core of a passion, the “Soul” that we share with what we love most, has all the right to be “legit” and to respect the work of those that gave life to these creations. This is the concept that the name “Jointed Souls” wants to transmit. Because in those that are objectively considered “just dolls”, but end up intimately belonging to us, resides a little bit of our own selves, that part that emerges from a pair of glass eyes in which we see ourselves reflected.

Would you like to help us accomplish this reality? We need your contribution too to give a voice to our ideas and life to our projects.

For any question or information don’t hesitate to contact us at the e-mail address


Version française:

L’Association Culturelle Jointed Souls se constitue en mars 2019 grâce à la volonté d’un groupe de personnes qui partagent depuis longtemps le hobby de la collection des BJD.

Dans le panorama de la collection étaient déjà présents depuis quelques années des groupes de passionnés bien structurés, malheureusement aucun d’eux ne possédait une identité juridique reconnue. C’est pourquoi il a été décidé de créer une Association Culturelle régulièrement enregistrée qui pourrait collecter et représenter les collectionneurs et les collectionneurs “legit” de cette catégorie de Doll.

Les finalités indiquées dans notre Acte constitutif sont les suivantes:

-Fournir des informations concernant le hobby et la collection relative aux poupées appelées BJD (Ball jointed
-Promouvoir et soutenir les artistes qui créent BJD et leurs œuvres légitimes; lutter contre la diffusion des faux
-Organiser et prendre part à des événements liés à l’hobby et à la collection de BJD

Notre Association s’est constituée depuis peu de temps mais nous avons déjà en chantier de nombreuses initiatives : un site internet avec des contenus utiles aux collectionneurs du secteur, organisation de meeting parmi les membres et les sympathisants, participation à des événements clairement PRO artist.

Nous grandissons vite et nous avons beaucoup d’idées en tête, mais nous avons besoin de la contribution de tous les intéressés pour pouvoir développer nos initiatives et donner la parole à nos idées!

Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les activités associatives et nos initiatives, si vous avez des doutes ou des questions, écrivez-nous à l’adresse suivante :

Il Contenuto di queste pagine è di proprietà dell Associazione Jointed Souls